
Internet (short-term from Interconnected Network) is a global network consisting of many computer networks will be replaced by the data. It allows the use of Internet services like e-mail, Telnet, Usenet, file transfer, WWW, and increasingly, more recently, telephony, radio and television.

Many people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web, or just the Web, interchangeably, but the two terms are not synonymous. The World Wide Web is a global set of documents, images and other resources, logically interrelated by hyperlinks and referenced with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).

Colloquially, "internet" is often interchangeably used on the World Wide Web, because this is one of the most popular Internet services and has contributed significantly to the growth and popularity of the medium. In contrast, other media services such as telephony, television and radio only recently become accessible via the Internet and are parallel to their original distribution technology. The Internet has brought its innovative technology and use its own linguistic.


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