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CAD/CAM Software
CAD (Computer Aided Design)
CAD (Computer Aided Design) originally referred to the use of a computer as a tool in technical drawing. The prepared using a computer drawing will be made visible on the screen and can be printed on paper.
Meanwhile, in almost all CAD applications, the third dimension (3D) have been added. So called CAD also the formation of a virtual model three-dimensional objects with the aid of a computer. From this, the usual technical drawings are derived and displayed. A particular advantage is to build from already existing virtual three-dimensional object is an arbitrary spatial mapping. Due to the material properties of scheduled computer-aided engineering calculations (eg, with finite element programs) to connect directly.
CAD has replaced the drawing board and many routine activities. Affected all sectors of the technology are: architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and all its disciplines and mutual combinations up to dentistry. Manufacturing machines for technical objects can be controlled directly from the computer.
CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)
Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM, computer-aided manufacturing dt) describes the use of a CNC machine independent of the software to create the NC code. In contrast to the creation of the NC code in the workshop (WOP) is with the CAM system, the NC program already created in the AV. CAM is an essential component of computer integrated manufacturing CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing).
The purpose of Computer Aided Manufacturing or FAO is to write the file containing the control program of a machine tool CNC. This file will describe in detail the movements to be performed by the machine tool to perform the requested part. It also calls this type of file: Program ISO or ISO blocks.
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